Friday, April 7, 2017

LEW Newsletter 4-7-2017

Hello LEW Families!

Hope you are all going to get the chance to bask in the sunshine this weekend. We thoroughly enjoyed our outside time and have every started our Yoga specialist (which happens on Tuesdays) outside with mats on the playground.  Our art specialist, Jenny Kordosky, will be doing specialist with us on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.  Glad to hear some of you got the chance to go some the children's artwork at Can Can Wonderland!

Work from this week...

Some specific Big Work that's happening includes various timelines, including the Timeline of Life through the history of the Earth and the Timeline of Plant Evolution and the Coming of Life to Land.  I told the story of how life has developed since the Earth came to be.  (This is one of Montessori's "Great Lessons," that aims to add fuel to the fire of a child's interest.  It seemed to successfully echo a few of the lessons of the week.)  There has also been some activity around used and broken electric objects, which have been meticulously dissected and examined.

First Years:
- Knowledge of Animals (classification work)
- Money Equivalence (different the ways to make 10 cents, 25 cents, etc. See if you can practice this with them!)
- Ecology webs
- Parts of a River
- Addition Math Facts

Second Years:
- Stamp Game Division
- Fraction Addition
- Timeline of Life (Huge work!)
- South America Political Map Study
- Subtraction Math Facts

Third Years:
- The Story of Plants coming to Land
- Final Algebra Work, using equality through subtraction
- Writing Dialogue
- Mississippi River Study (A fun study that ends with a trip to the Mississippi River Exhibit at the Science Museum!)
- MCA Math practice - the children will take that last MCA Math test on Wednesday, April 12th. 
- Also there's an enormous checkerboard multiplication problem occurring right now ---- pictures to follow :) 

Friendly Reminder

Water Bottles - With the weather warming up, it's especially important to send a water bottle with your child if you haven't already.  

Have a wonderful weekend!

Jessy Eaton Fabel
Lower Elementary Guide

"Our aim therefore is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his inmost core." ~ Maria Montessori