Monday, May 23, 2016

Gex Summer Care 2016 - Invitation to edit

Jessy Fabel has invited you to edit the following spreadsheet:
Unknown profile photoHello LEW Parents! One of you brilliantly suggested making a google spread sheet to see what kind of availability everyone has. If you could please right your name, availability this summer and your contact information, Gex would really appreciate it :)
This email grants access to this item. Only forward it to people you trust.
Google Sheets: Create and edit spreadsheets online.Logo for Google Sheets

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Requests and Reminders

Hello everyone!

Hope all of you are getting some quality outside time on this gorgeous weekend. I have one request and one reminder that I forgot to add to the newsletter.

1. Gex needs a home for the summer: We are looking for volunteers to help take care of Gex this summer. You could sign up for part or all of the summer. Gex is incredibly low maintenance and an incredible chill fellow. Let me know if you're interested.  

2. All-School Potluck Picnic Thursday, May 265-8 pm

Join the entire school community for an end-of-year potluck picnic. Let's celebrate together!

Where: Como Park South Pavilion at 1199 Midway Parkway

What to bring:
  • A dish to pass--if your last name begins with : please bring
A-H: Main dish
I-P: Side dish or salad
R-S-T: Veggies or fruit
U-Z: Dessert
  • Your own plates, utensils, and water bottles.
  • Frisbees or other outdoor play equipment

Parent and students: We need setup and cleanup helpPlease click here to sign up.

Questions? Please contact picnic coordinators Heather Thomas or Heather O'Brien.

That's all for now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend

Jessy Eaton Fabel
Lower Elementary Guide

"Our aim therefore is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his inmost core." ~ Maria Montessori    

Friday, May 20, 2016

LEW Newsletter 5-20-2016

Happy Friday, Everyone!

Well we just got back from our adventure to the farm. We tended to the new animals, we"medicined" the soil, we hiked to Buttermilk Falls, and we gathered pieces plants, sticks, and bones to create a mandala.  Thanks to all the chaperones for all of your support - it was a busy day and you stuck with it! Check out some of the pictures from the day.

Speaking of pictures, I've also attached pictures of the third grade field trip to the Science Museum. We took public transit downtown and everyone had a chance to complete the scavenger hunt. Very proud of this group and all of the work they've done with their Study of the Mississippi River.

Currently, the entire lower elementary is working on their Museum projects and after three sessions I can honestly say that the groups have worked very well to create their exhibits. Ask your child what their exhibit is about and what their display will look like.  

In addition to the museum work, first years did a water pollution experiment and learned how to be stewards of the earth by picking up trash around the campus.  They also learned about adverbs and are polishing up the stamp game skills in math.

Second years learned about water filtration and run off. We ended our work with grammar for the year with some fun mad libs and they were captivated by a ancient civilization lesson that Erik gave earlier in the week.

Third years are wrapping up their history project visual aids and will begin their essays soon. They are also completing a parts of speech final and mastering fractions with some challenging fraction work.  On Wednesday they had the chance to go out to the garden with Tami, the A2 science teacher, to learn about different types of roots.

Important Dates

June 3, afternoon: Museum Exhibit, all Lower Elementary.  This culminates a month-long project that small groups from both rooms will be doing together.  Each group will have a display to show in the "museum."  More information to come! 

June 6: Trip to Como Pool!  (Already a hot topic of conversation...)

June 8: Parent Appreciation Day, afternoon: Come and feel the appreciation!  It's a party just for you, with a talent show to boot!

June 10: Last day of school, early dismissal

TBD - make up date for first grade como zoo trip. Stay tuned!

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Jessy Eaton Fabel
Lower Elementary Guide

"Our aim therefore is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his inmost core." ~ Maria Montessori