Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Elementary iRace Potluck - Wednesday, March 22nd

Dear LEW families,

🌎       πŸŒ       πŸŒ

On Wednesday, March 22, we will celebrate our unique iRace (Identity, Race Awareness, Cultural Education) event at Great River.  From 12:00 to 1:00 there will be a potluck lunch, featuring dishes derived from cultures all over the world.  Each year, the event would not happen without generous volunteering from parents and community members like you.  It is a time of celebrating community and being together with good food.

If you are able, please send a healthy dish to share with our community.  A main dish or side is appreciated.  Items could reflect your cultural heritage or be a favorite family recipe.  If you wish for your dish to be returned, please send it to school in a clearly labeled container. Crock pots needing heat are fine...just send heating directions along.

On this day, a few special things will happen.  Adolescents will be coming in to read a story about peace and equity and create a mural with the class.  The third years will eat with upper elementary students...a time to bridge the transition that will occur at the end of this year.  And the first and second years will eat with their same grade level peers as a way to mix things up!  We will end the day with a visit to the park in the same configuration.

We're all looking forward to this day very much and thank you in advance for your support (and delicious food). πŸœ

Warm regards,
Jessy Eaton Fabel
Lower Elementary Guide

"Our aim therefore is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his inmost core." ~ Maria Montessori