Sunday, November 22, 2015

LEW Newsletter 11-22-2015

Happy Sunday, LEW Families,

Hope all of you had a chance to catch the snow flurrying about last night. I know the students were thrilled to see a few flakes on Friday. Winter is on its way!


With Thanksgiving approaching, our short week will primarily revolve around acknowledging the people and treasures in our lives that we are truly thankful for.  We will have a chance to share what we are grateful for and we will have a chance to have a little celebration on Wednesday with a few students that have volunteered to organize the party (Thank you advance if your child comes to you for some supplies! :) 

And thank you to those of you that have notified me and Erik if you will be out of town on Wednesday.  We truly hope you all get a chance to relax and enjoy time with your families.

Work this past week

First years are finishing their study of basic land forms and water forms and creating some of their favorites with salt dough.  We also reviewed the 4 foundations of geometry - point, line, surface, and solid. They are practicing using the stamp game to master 4-digit addition and finishing up their money practice work as well. See if they can help you add up some of the coins in your pocket.

Second years are beginning their study of North American biomes and creating huge posters and books based on different animals, plants, and people you might find in the different biomes. Ask your child which biome they chose to study.  Second years are also practicing the stamp game with addition and subtraction as well as categorizing different triangles by their sides (equilateral, isosceles, and scalene).

Third years are also studying North America, but focusing on the political map and its boundaries. Some are creating their own pin maps of the countries and capitals and some are choosing to study a specific country in North America.  Third years are also practicing rounding to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000 as well as how to use protractors to measure angles in a triangle.  

Upcoming Events

LEW Book Drive - December 1-18

Have loads of books gathering dust? Are they books that are appropriate for young students between Kindergarten and third grade? We would love to have them for our book drive! This will be the second year that we will be gathering books to donate to the MN Literacy Council.   The Council will donate the books to families that cannot afford to purchase all the books their children crave.  If you would like to learn more about this organization, click on the link below:

Clara's Dream - December 18

We have a field trip to see the St. Paul Ballet once more on December 18th.  This time the SPB will be performing Clara's Dream just in time for the holidays and the student will get a behind the scenes look at the costumes, set up, and stage.  Thank you to the families that already offered to chaperone :)

Huge Thank You

Once more, Erik and I feel so fortunate to have so many families that are willing to donate supplies and their time to work in the classroom.  Just this last week, we received hoards of supplies from our wish list and two new parents came in to work one-on-one with the students. Wow. The support and the love you all bring to this community is so strong - it is truly incredible.  

In our thoughts...

Erik has be out sick the last few days and he's been dearly missed. The students made multiple, beautiful, larger-than-life get well cards for him:)  We wish him a speedy recovery and that all of you may stay healthy as well! We all deserve a healthy holiday. 

With gratitude, 

Jessy Eaton Fabel
Lower Elementary Guide

"Our aim therefore is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his inmost core." ~ Maria Montessori