Thursday, October 1, 2015

Buttermilk Falls Field Trip - Bus leaving at 8:30 tomorrow

Hello LEW families,

We are so thrilled about the field trip tomorrow (Actually, I'm a bit sad, because I will not get to go - wedding obligations).  

Here's some information that will be helpful for you to prepare for this trip:

- The bus will be leaving at 8:30 tomorrow morning, so please prepare and be here by 8:20.  

Please have your child bring the following items:
- a lunch (if they do not receive GRS lunches)
- a snack
- a water bottle 
- clothes and shoes that can get dirty and are good for gardening.
- something to do for the bus ride. It will take about an hour to get to the farm, so your child may do something in their seat like reading a book, doing an activity book, play cards, etc. something low key but fun.  

Have a fantastic night and we'll see you at 8:20 tomorrow!

All the best,

Jessy & Erik