Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Winter Weather Guidelines from the GRS handbook

Recess Guidelines Pertaining to Winter Weather

Our hope is that students have access to outdoor recess whenever it is safe to be outside. To that end, the following guidelines will be enforced at Great River School. We ask that all families prepare students to dress accordingly. 

If the temperature is 32 degrees F or below, a coat, hat or hood and gloves or mittens are required. For elementary please include snow pants, hats and snow boots.

When the wind chill is -15 degrees F or below, students will stay inside.

When the wind chill falls between -15 degrees F and 0, recess may be abbreviated at the supervisors' discretion. At all other times,outdoor recess will be held.

For safety reasons, we do not allow snowball throwing at GRS.

Tis the season to be chilly!

Stay warm, all.
