Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hello LEW families!

What we're doing

First years are continuing their spelling and cursive work. They're also learning how to add with exchanges using our golden bead place value material.  Some first years are creating maps of North America and others are studying North American animals both alive and extinct.  Some fantastic models have been made.  First years are also entering the world of grammar and have started making lists as tall as me and filling them with nouns they see around them. Ask your first grader what the symbol for the noun is.

Second years have finished up studying the parts of a leaf and their multiplication facts.  They are studying the verb and now know how to write a type of shape poem called a diamante.  Some second years are drawing maps of North America that include a key of where you can find specific rocks and minerals.  Some have written research projects on the giant ape, "Gigantopithecus," or better known as "Big Foot," from years ago when North America was still young.  They are also continuing their spelling and cursive work. 

Third years are producing a lot of North American animal research. We have wooly mammoths, lynx, snowy owls, foxes, chipmunks, and they've also been mentoring the younger students that can't quite read yet so that they can also enjoy doing North America research.  Third grade students have also finished up the six roles of the adjective - see if they can remember all six! We're also getting into some great math - dynamic subtraction, multiplication analysis, checkerboard multiplication, and some students are extremely eager to start long division. 

Bell Museum Date Change - Tuesday, October 21

LEW is now going to the Bell Museum on Tuesday, October 21. We will be taking public transit from outside GRS to the Bell Museum on the UofM campus.  It's about a 25 minute bus ride.  Once we get there, we will get a guided tour of the museum and the students will get to get up close and personal to different North American animal specimens in the discovery room. 

Note: you will not need to fill out a permission slip form since you already signed a form at the beginning of the year.  Please feel free to let me know if you have any concerns.

At least one more chaperone would be nice. Please let me know if you're interested. 

Thursday Folders

So sorry for late Thursday Folders. Hope that did not confuse anyone.  

And thank you to all of you that have been sending in Thursday Folders by Tuesday of each week:)

Reading Buddy Volunteer Opportunity

Love to read? We are looking for one more volunteer to come in and read with our beginning reader students for about an hour on Mondays or Tuesdays.  If you're interested or know of anyone that would be interested, please let me know.  

Cooking with the Kids

The students loved Tuesday Treats last year!  So to keep up the tradition, we're looking for an adult volunteer to cook with our students once a week to make a special snack for the class. The students love the hands-on cooking experience, so we would all be very grateful to anyone that would be willing to come in and work with the students. 

Wishing you all a fantastic rest of your evening. Thank you for all of the support and help you've already provided.
