Friday, October 7, 2016

LEW Newsletter 10-7-2016

Hello on this brisk, Autumn-like afternoon!

We just got back from our adventures at Buttermilk Falls Farm! We harvested carrots, broom corn, and marigolds. We planted garlic and made apple cider. We visited with the animals and we hiked around Buttermilk Falls.  We had incredible chaperones join us (Thank you!) and if you happened to take any pictures, please share them with me :) We'd love to put them on the blog. Also, the coordinators for the Harvest Festival (next Saturday BTW) would love some Fall-themed photos of the kids as well.  

Other than our field trip, all of us were working hard on literally very large work this past week. 

Erik took each of the grades out to collect different types of leaves and analyze them. They came back with some great specimens. Our lessons included...

For the First Years: lessons on sewing a Globe Pillow, search for 10 and the Snake Game (ask them about this!), Cursive Writing, and analyzing the Parts of a Leaf. 

For the Second Years: lessons on Telling Time by 5-minute intervals, Fraction Equivalence (ways to make one-whole, one-half, etc.), analyzing Leaf Margins, and classifying Rocks & Minerals (Ask your child if they can tell you the difference between a rock and a mineral. Thanks again for the donations!)

For the Third Years: lessons on the Protractor and measuring angles, the Fundamental Needs of Humans, and classifying Types of Leaves.  This group also had a tremendous space exhibit where they got to share their projects and their knowledge about their topics. They were very proud of this work and they should be! Check the photos below :)

A few notes:

  • Picture Day: Friday, October 14th. We sent home the envelopes to select and pay for the type of pictures you would like of your child. Please have your child bring in the payment envelope to school by next Friday. 
  • Harvest Festival: Saturday, October 15th from 2-5 PM.  Hope you all can make it, especially for the lower elementary folk dance performance!
  • No School - MEA: Thursday, October 20th - Friday, October 21st
  • Save the Date: Lower Elementary is planning a "work share" on Friday, November 4 from 1:30 to 2:45 in the afternoon.  This is a chance for parents to come and do Montessori work with their children.  We are waiting for calendar approval and will send out a final Yes on this event as soon as we get it.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Warm regards,
Jessy Eaton Fabel
Lower Elementary Guide

"Our aim therefore is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his inmost core." ~ Maria Montessori